

And Now for a Little Body Mutilation ...

Women who look like lizards: At least it's not just me. In their newspaper column, Style Matters, radio personalities Judie Schwartz and Evelinda Urman hold forth against tattoos on people who should know better. We're not talking about bikers, teenagers, and sailors either. "It's upper middle-class women between 20 and 40 years old--especially those that dread mutating into soccer moms--who fuel most of the growth, according to the tattoo parlors," says Judie. And Evelinda, noting that the phenomenon seems to be about a mid-life crisis, adds, "If you're having a mid-life crisis, go out and buy some jewelry. Or better yet, forget about your privileged life and volunteer your time." Hooray for them. In case you were wondering, the Bible (specifically written Torah) associates various kinds of bodily mutilation with pagan practices, which makes me wonder why the "tat fad" has spread to so many Christians, especially women. Apparently, though, Jewish halakha does not forbid nose rings and pierced ears. But I've got to check on that. In the meantime, see this explanation of Jewish Law from a Conservative Rabbi. Please email me with your comments. And see Schueller House for more info.

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